Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Among the culmination of who this kid once was, he finds himself so lost in a world he doesn't know. He knew what he was, and he knew what he wanted, but when it came down to it he couldn't find it. Himself that is. See the boy who once was, an okay football player, an average wrestler, and a helpless romantic at heart had nothing to turn to anymore. When all the fun subsided of a pleasure filled summer this boy was still stuck. Stuck in his mind. Stuck in his emotions. But more importantly, stuck in the never ending rut of his now prolonged boring life. Everyone knew change.. heck they had made friends with it. But he, he was stuck in a routine which had seemed to never end. More importantly he gaped at the change others enjoyed.

So this lonely desperado seeks answers in a house he doesn't belong. But still he cant find much. He finds a better reason to leave, and a "higher" authority to give him something to do. And now the one so sacred place of creativity and pleasure, the place where he was safe, the place where he could be himself.. this place was no more to be enjoyed. In his so called room he could find himself from the world, but slowly and slowly every night he would lock the door to his own prison. This boy told me "its not really that bad i guess, it was my fault to begin with". I assume he must have been talking about his boring routine of a life. It could be seem by many that it was his own doing. But now all he could do was wait for something knew to come. But he still sits starring at a blank canvas, a boring computer screen, or a worn out video game with no answers to his never ending rut. As for me i could just sit there awkwardly listening to him.

I see this boy freaquently, and although he seems to be content he's probably the complete opposite. But for some reason he chose to share this story with me. He told me it wasnt just a bunch of melacholy ideas but something he needed to tell me for some reason. And although i asked him if i could help he said he would be alright. I really hope this kid will be alright, cuz all the while i spoke to him he seemed extremely distraught. But for now i just keep listening to him, see if everything turns out the way he wants it to. I listen, waiting for the day that he comes and tells me this change came and it was all for the better.

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